
Tony Shi, Annie Lin, Dean Huynh, Maria Damian, Hannah Yan

Imagine you are listening to a podcast on the go — you heard something funny or interesting, and you wanted to jog it down or share it with your friends, but there was not an easy way to do this. This is a common pain point among podcast listeners. According to Edison Research, users only remember ~25% of the materials they listened to (Jovic, 2021).

Realizing the demand for a better podcast experience, a group of UC Berkeley students (Tony Shi, Annie Lin, Dean Huynh, Hannah Yan, and Maria Damian) set out to explore whether creating a better experience was possible by implementing product management skills they learned from INDENG186 (Product Management taught by Prof. Ken Sandy). Through market research, customer segmentation, user validation, and meaningful metrics, the team created the PodTrack mobile app — an application that leverages Spotify’s vast podcast library and allows users to timestamp, share, and exchange their listening experiences with their friends and others in the podcast community.

PodTrack won 3rd place in the 2021 SCET Collider Cup competition.